The Seminar on “Moving from Equality towards Equity in Education” was held on 28th April 2023 on the premises of Kathmandu University School of Arts, Read More

The Seminar on “Gender Dynamics in Public School” was held on 21st April, 2023 on the premises of Kathmandu University School of Arts, Balkumari, Lalitpur. Read More..

On 8th April 2023, a weekly seminar initiative of LIKE Lab was held on the topic “Reconceptualizing scaling and its practices” at Kathmandu University School of Arts, Balkumari, Lalitpur. Read More..

A seminar on “Policy and Practices of Social inclusion” conducted on 2nd April,2023 in the Kathmandu University School of Arts, Balkumari,Lalitpur covered a wide range of topics related to the inclusion Read More..

What do you imagine when you hear the word “scale”? This question was an ice breaker for the seminar. Multiple answers came back from the participants and that is how the session unfolded to an introduction of a new paradigm, Scaling Science. Read More..


The Seminar on “Fundamental Issues of The Capability Approach” was held on 19th March on the premises of Kathmandu University School of Arts, Balkumari, Lalitpur. There were a total of 15 participants, among which 10 were female, and 5 were male. he Capability Approach is one of the most influential frameworks for understanding economic Read More..