What do you imagine when you hear the word “scale”? This question was an ice breaker for the seminar. Multiple answers came back from the participants and that is how the session unfolded to an introduction of a new paradigm, Scaling Science. This science contributes in generating scientific and research based evidence guided by the principles whilst incorporating imagination and critical thinking for a holistic social impact assuring the public good at large.
There are pathways to scaling and they are multiple. The “Scaling Science” by John Gargani and Robert McLean and “Rethinking Scale: Moving Beyond Numbers to Deep and Lasting Change” by Cynthia E. Coburn were two major papers that were discussed to understand the nitty-gritty of scaling including its pathways.
This session was a part of the weekly seminar initiative of LIKE Lab that was conducted on 26th of March, 2023 at Kathmandu University School of Arts, Balkumari, Lalitpur. The session had 11 participants in total, among which 7 of them were female.