The Seminar on “Fundamental Issues of The Capability Approach” was held on 19th March on the premises of Kathmandu University School of Arts, Balkumari, Lalitpur. There were a total of 15 participants, among which 10 were female, and 5 were male. The Capability Approach is one of the most influential frameworks for understanding economic development and social justice. This seminar explored the fundamentals of this widely-adopted framework, empowering participants to develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of what makes it so special.
We began by looking at Amartya Sen’s original formulation, an approach to well- being that emphasizes achieving basic freedoms rather than simply increasing resources or income as markers of progress toward positive change or human flourishing.
Finally, the seminar considered some contemporary critiques and applications detailing why those who wish for better functioning societies should consider adopting this concept from its theory through practice. Of course, no single mode offers all solutions; being aware of various approaches is essential in making informed decisions when determining public policy!