In a collaborative effort to support education, a calendar distribution event was held on June 22nd, 2023 at Shree Janata Ma Vhi, a school in Yamunamai Rural Municipality. Organized by LIKE Lab and supported by Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (GPE KIX), International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and Kathmandu University School of Arts (KUSOA), the event aimed to enhance academic planning and strengthen students’ attendance.
During the event, calendars featuring important academic dates and days were distributed to participating schools, enabling teachers and students to effectively manage their academic schedules. This includes dates for EMIS data entry, examinations, local and national holidays, and more, ensuring a smoother and more organized learning experience throughout the year.
The presence of Education officers and head teachers from Yamunamai Rural Municipality highlighted the significance of the event and showcased their dedication to enhancing education. The Education Officer expressed gratitude to the team of LIKE Lab and the supporting partners for sharing the academic calendar, emphasizing its effectiveness. The officers assured that the calendar will be widely utilized in all schools within the rural municipality, demonstrating their commitment to fostering innovation and providing support to educational institutions.
Looking ahead, these public school representatives continue their commitment to empowering students and teachers by equipping them with the essential resources for achieving success. The distribution of the academic calendar marks a significant milestone in the continuous efforts to improve academic planning and foster the overall growth of students in public schools.