LIKE 2023 Conference
Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (LIKE), a social science lab at Kathmandu University School of Arts is focused on learning through participation, collaboration and developing social innovations by adopting research for development in addressing educational issues. With the aim of social transformation at the core the lab engages with the academicians, researchers, policy makers and development practitioners to craft effective, scalable and sustainable solutions to the issues.
At present, LIKE is focusing on delivering scalable solutions to enhance inclusive access and learning outcomes in education. The issue of learning loss was deepened by the COVID-19 pandemic, where the need for scalable solutions was felt more than ever. The collective efforts to bridge the learning gap and strengthen the overall education system have been underway for a long time. Thus with the aim of providing space to understand such efforts, LIKE, with the support of the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (GPE KIX) and International Development Research Center (IDRC), is extremely delighted to host the LIKE 2023 conference, an international conference from September 29 till September 30, 2023 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The conference title is “The Learning, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange for Strengthening Education System ”.

This in-person conference intended to create a platform for the researchers, policy makers, practitioners and wider groups to disseminate the knowledge they have generated in the following themes.
- Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment
- Data, Information, and Education System
- Impact Evaluation and Scaling Education Programs
- Digitization of Education
- GESI Dynamics and Education
- Leadership, Administration and Management of educational institutions
(On the page that follows, you will find a thorough description of each theme)
Objective of this call
The objective for this international conference is:
- Disseminate the new knowledge generated on innovative educational solutions that at large strengthens the educational system
Conference Information
This Conference is an in-person event that comprises keynote speech, paper presentation, poster presentation, spaces for networking and building professional connections.
Additionally, the sessions at the conference will be photographed, videographed for the purpose of documentation and dissemination of the outcomes that would benefit the larger audience.
- Conference Dates: September 29 – 30, 2023
- Mode: In-person conference
- Venue: Hotel Himalaya, Kupandole, Lalitpur, Nepal
- Time: 10:00 pm- 4:00 pm
- Conference session format: Keynote speech, parallel tracks, panel discussion
- Working language: English
Conference Themes:
The LIKE 2023 Conference encompasses 6 tracks under following themes.
- Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment
The learning outcomes among students and the curriculum are correlated. Curriculums are designed and redesigned to align with the international standard whilst also incorporating the regional, local and the indigenous context. In this, the role of educational stakeholders is indispensable,the alignment between the teachers, Ministry of Education, education officers in designing contextualized curricula while taking into account students’ capacity and their own capacity to bring about cohesiveness in designing, selection, creation of the teaching materials and teaching approaches ensures curriculum’s overall success.
- Data, Information and Education System
Education Management Information System (EMIS) helps to inform decisions with timely analysis and dissemination of collected data on enrolment, transition or completion rate and other basic statistical information, across national and local levels. According to KIX statistics, the staff’s incapacity to complete these activities is a significant barrier to collecting the most trustworthy data possible from EMIS.
“What are effective, cost-effective and scalable ways to build the capacity of the different offices in charge of educational management to use available data for decision making, policy analysis, monitoring and management? How can EMIS data be integrated across different levels and effectively used for different purposes by a variety of educational stakeholders? How can EMIS be harnessed to support local education management, and provide useful feedback to local and school level, including data to understand and improve gender equality, equity and inclusion issues?”
- Impact Evaluation and Scaling Education Programs
The innovations to strengthen the overall education at the national and local level are numerous.The variety in innovations allows space for solutions to address the changes at policy, planning and implementation level. The impact could be small, large or none. Thus the effectiveness and efficiency of these innovations are to be evaluated to assess the impact and its scope for scaling.
- Digitization of Education
The concept of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) is comparatively new in the developing countries. A number of significant educational development plans considers integrating ICT in achieving the broader goals of education that ranges from improving classroom delivery to maximizing access to teaching learning materials. Have these goals been actually achieved? Or are there contextual limitations in accessing and implementing ICT in schools?
- GESI dynamics and Education
Gender equality, equity, and social inclusion (GESI) is an important global aspiration and a necessary condition for the achievement of many SDG targets. To ensure equitable and inclusive quality education for all by 2030, special attention needs to be paid especially to those who are marginalized. Disparities in terms of gender equality and social inclusion among students are a key concern in the schools. As GESI is central to overall development, it becomes absolutely crucial to understand the educational strategies that considers and promotes GESI.
- Leadership, Administration and Management of educational institutions
The Leadership, administration, and management of education institutions are crucial for providing vision, direction, and support to achieve quality education. They ensure effective resource allocation, staff development, and stakeholder engagement. These practices also enable effective change management, compliance with regulations, and accountability. The strong leadership, administration and management contribute to the successful functioning, development and positive learning environment of educational institutions.
Deadline for Prospective Presenters
- Submission of abstracts- 15 August, 2023
- Email of the abstract decision- 20 August, 2023
- Submission of revised abstract (if required) and presentation- 30 August, 2023
- Registration Deadline for presenters- 1 September , 2023
- Registration Fees:
- Fee waived for student presenters
- Nepali Citizen: NPR 10,000
- Resident in High-income Country
- Early bird: $360
- Standard: $400
- Students early bird: $140
- Students standard: $230
- Resident in Low- or Middle-Income Countries and South Asia
- Early bird: $130
- Standard: $180
Criteria for Participation
- Prospective presenters should submit an abstract of at least 250 words but not exceeding 300 words, the abstract should be written in the English language.
- The abstract should be submitted once.
- Abstracts can be accepted as either poster or oral presentations.
- Presenters invited to give oral presentations must submit abstracts.
- The conference is also open to observers. Beforehand RSVP at is appreciated.
- Please email your abstract at
Style Guidelines
Abstract/Concept/Ideas and Presentation proposal
- 250-300 words, Times New Roman
- Font size of 12 with line spacing 1.5 and the margins of the document should be set at 1 inch on all sides.
For Presentation
- Use of Sans-serif fonts
- Use font size of at least 22 pt
- Maximum 30 words per slide
Outline of presentation
- Title
- Introduction (1-2 slides)
- Methods (1-2 slides)
- Results (2-3 Slides)
- Conclusions (1-2 slides)
- Reference and Acknowledgements (1 slide)
For Posters
- Colored poster
- Presentations may not exceed 24 inches (61 cm) in width and 36 inches (91.4 cm) in height
- Text and graphics should be legible from 6 feet (2 m). We suggest using Arial, 28 points.
Conference Organising Committee
Dr. Binayak Krishna Thapa,
Principal Investigator, LIKE Lab,
Assistant Professor, Kathmandu University School of Arts, Hattiban, Lalitpur, Nepal
Dr.Niraj Poudyal
Country Research Leader, LIKE Lab,
Associate Professor, Kathmandu University School of Arts, Hattiban, Lalitpur, Nepal
National KIX Coordination Committee
Prof. Dr. Bal Chandra Luitel,
National KIX Coordinator, Nepal,
Dean, Kathmandu University School of Education, Hattiban, Lalitpur, Nepal
Dr.Hari Prasad Lamsal
Joint Secretary,
Planning and Monitoring Division,
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Nepal
Mr. Jaya Prasad Acharya
Under Secretary, Development Assistance Coordination Section,
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Nepal
Dr. Bishnu Khanal
Associate Dean, Faculty of Education,
Tribhuvan University, Kritipur, Nepal
Dr. Laxmi Poudyal,
Senior Program Development and Quality Advisor,
Save the Children, Nepal
Dr. Jiban Khadka
Associate Professor, Head ,School of Education and Pedagogical Sciences
Nepal Open University, Nepal
Logistic Committee
Ms.Shreda Shrestha,
Research Associate, LIKE Lab
Ms. Regina Rajbanshi,
Research Fellow, LIKE Lab
Ms. Situ Shrestha,
Research Fellow, LIKE Lab
Mr. Aswin Poudel,
Community Mobilizer, LIKE Lab
Technical Committee
Prof. Dr. Bal Chandra Luitel,
National KIX Coordinator, Nepal,
Dean, Kathmandu University School of Education, Hattiban, Lalitpur, Nepal
Dr. Binayak Krishna Thapa,
Principal Investigator, LIKE Lab,
Assistant Professor, Kathmandu University School of Arts, Hattiban, Lalitpur, Nopal
Prof. Dr. Susan Acharya
Professor, Central Department of Education,
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
Prof. Dr. Peshal Khanal
Professor, Curriculum & Assessment
Tribhuvan University, Kritipur, Nepal
Dr. Sushil Shrestha
Lead Researcher and Incharge, Digital Learning Research Lab (DLR Lab),
Assistant Professor, Kathmandu University School of Engineering, Dhulikhel, Nepal
Mr.Niroj Dahal,
Lecturer, STEAM Education,
Kathmandu University School of Education, Hattiban, Nepal