Time: 12:30 PM- 3:30 PM
Date: Wednesday, 28th December, 2022 (13th Poush, 2079)
Venue: Indreni Complex, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu

Knowledge Exchange- One of the objectives of the Learning, Innovation, and Knowledge Exchange (LIKE) Lab is to bring together academicians, researchers, wider groups and communities to exchange ideas, evidence and expertise. Taking this into account, LIKE Lab at Kathmandu University School of Arts (KUSOA), established with the support of Global Partnership for Education Knowledge Exchange and Innovation (GPEKIX) and International Development Research Center (IDRC), is extremely delighted to organize a “Knowledge Exchange: National KIX Coordination Committee Meet With KIX grantees”.
There are altogether 8 GPE-KIX projects in Nepal each of which aspires to improve the educational learning outcomes thereby enhancing and strengthening the overall education system.
Multiple interventions have been deployed to achieve the aspiration. In this due course, the learning and experiences have been rich and vast. Therefore, the program is organized to bring the National KIX Coordination Committee and KIX grantees’ in one space for the exchange of knowledge and to have an overview of status of the KIX projects including: intervention, progress, successes and challenges. The program is exclusively a space of mutual learning and knowledge exchange among National KIX Coordination Committee and KIX grantees. This act of engaging in learning exchanges among KIX members’ is something that GPE-KIX expects and likes to see.