Knowledge Sharing Event and Participatory Appraisal for Selecting Capability List and Understanding GESI-related Capabilities Day 1

BHOJPUR, NEPAL, NOVEMBER 25, 2024 – As part of the ongoing research initiative “Promoting Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Schools, Building on What Children Value and Aspire to Do and Be”, a knowledge-sharing event followed by the activity “Participatory Appraisal for Selecting Capability List and Understanding GESI-related Capabilities” was conducted in Bhojpur District, Nepal. This event brought together 13 headteachers representing the 13 community schools involved in the project. The Education Officer of Bhojpur also attended, adding valuable insights and institutional perspective to the discussions.

The primary objective of this meeting was to disseminate findings from the situational analysis of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) in schools, derived from Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with students. The findings highlighted key trends and challenges in GESI within the schools and served as the foundation for collaborative planning and feedback sessions with the headteachers.

Key Activities Conducted:

  1. Meet with Headteachers: Sharing FGD Analysis
    • The session began with a detailed presentation of the findings from the FGDs, shedding light on the students’ perspectives about GESI challenges and opportunities within their school environments.
    • Headteachers gained insights into how issues like gender roles, social inclusion, and access to education impact the aspirations and well-being of their students.
  2. Participatory Appraisal for Stakeholder Mapping at School Level
    • Using a participatory approach, headteachers mapped key stakeholders who could support GESI-related initiatives at the school level, identifying individuals and groups critical for fostering inclusive practices and policies.
  3. Selecting and Understanding GESI-related Capabilities
    • Through a collaborative appraisal, the headteachers worked on identifying and prioritizing capabilities essential for advancing GESI in their schools. These capabilities align with the project’s goal of enabling schools to build on what children value and aspire to be.
  4. Suggestions for Upcoming Project Activities
    • Headteachers shared their recommendations for tailoring upcoming project activities to the unique needs and contexts of their schools. Their input emphasized practical interventions to address barriers identified in the situational analysis.

The event created a platform for shared learning and dialogue among headteachers and the project team, enabling schools to take ownership of GESI-related goals. The Education Officer’s presence marked the importance of aligning project initiatives with district-level education priorities. By involving the headteachers in participatory appraisals, the project team not only enriched its understanding of local dynamics but also fostered a sense of collaboration and co-creation.

The insights and suggestions collected during this session will guide the next steps of the project, ensuring that planned interventions are contextually relevant and stakeholder-informed. This event was a significant stride toward creating an inclusive and equitable school environment that resonates with children’s values and aspirations.

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