We are pleased to share the news of the most recent “Knowledge Exchange Event,” which took place on February 28, 2023, in New Baneshwor, Kathmandu. Organizations involved in the field of education were brought together to share about their ongoing programs, interventions, and practices. ASER Nepal, Aasaman Nepal, Teach For Nepal, Karkhana, Save the Children, Street Child of Nepal, OXFAM IBIS, and United World School officials were present. There were 26 participants in all, 16 of whom were men, and 10 of them were women.
Two representatives from the organization “Effectiveness and Scalability of Programs for Children Who are Out of School and at Risk of Dropping Out in Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal” spoke at the event and discussed their interventions, which included lobbying through the Action Group for Out of School Children and extracurricular activities (ECA) after school. Next, five more representatives from groups including Save the Children, Aasaman Nepal, ASER Nepal, Karkhana, and Street Child of Nepal shared about their continuing initiatives to bring students into
Ultimately, the event served as a forum for people to share knowledge, make comments, and work together.