The GPE IDRC KIX funded ‘Effectiveness and Scalability of Programs for Children who are out of School and at Risk of Dropping out in Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal’ project’s Nepal team, the Learning Innovation and Knowledge Exchange research team of Kathmandu University School of Art, successfully held a knowledge exchange event on the 11th Sept, 2022 in Yammunamahi Municipality, and 12th Sept 2022 in Durga Bhagwati Municipality. During these events, the team shared ‘A Situation Analysis Report: On the Public Schools and its Functionality.’ to the local public education stakeholders. This report is a study of community schools in Durga Bhagwati and Yamunamai Rural Municipality, Rautahat, Nepal. The report was handed over to the two Mayors of the respective municipality, and the 21 head teachers of the public schools.
The report introduces an assessment tool to public school leaders and municipal education officers. The assessment offers public schools performance and ranks them on the ground of its functionality. The tool takes into consideration the following indicators for the assessment: a) basic service provisioning offered to the student, b) the resources available in each school, c) the ways resources are utilized and d) the functionality of the school. The report provides information based on which municipal education officers, school leaders, and other stakeholders can make decisions based on the evidences provided in the report.